Fun at Coleridge Primary school with Baby Goes to Market! 

It is Black History Month and Coleridge School are celebrating with all sorts of exciting activities! 

I had a lovely time with the children in reception and year 1 classes.

I brought along my book, Baby Goes to Market as well as my colourful African fabrics, baskets and bowls filled with fruit, vedgetables, flip flops and market produce.

“The children were entranced by the story, but then were able to play with and dress up in the wealth of beautiful props and fabrics that Angela brought with her. Much enjoyment was had in counting fruits and vegetables into baskets and then balancing them on heads! The children were also able to dress up in traditional African fabrics and practise carrying their babies (teddies) on their back.”

The next day I set up in the art room with year 3. We read Baby Goes to Market and the children could decide whether to draw shopping for Mama’s basket; to have a go at balancing baskets on their heads or to role play market-trading.

“Thank you so much again for your wonderful sessions today and all the resources that you found that made them so rich and creative! The teachers and TAs told me the sessions were so lovely.”   -- Louise Munro (Art teacher)


Book signing at Pickled Pepper Books, Oct 2017