B is for Baby is longlisted for the CILIP Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Medal! Feb 2020

I was absolutely delighted when I heard that B is for Baby was longlisted for the Cilip Kate Greenaway Medal. 

The Kate Greenaway Medal is awarded annually to a children’s book illustrator whose artwork creates an outstanding reading experience. There are so many wonderful books on the longlist - I feel so honoured to be part of that list of 20 really beautiful books.

“The Awards’ mission ‘to inspire and empower the next generation to shape a better world through books and reading’ is reflected in the longlist, with stories that help children develop empathy by understanding their own and other people’s feelings and reality. “

--  CILIP The Library and Information Association.

“This year’s longlists shine a light on the breadth and quality of children’s publishing not just of the UK but from around the world. Through writing and illustration, the authors and artists offer children and young people stories of hope, discovery and understanding about themselves and the world they live in. There is a strong emphasis in the longlists on how young readers can navigate that journey, through relationships with families and friends and from learning more about themselves. ” 

-- Julia Hale, Chair, CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals judging panel.


B is for Baby is Shortlisted for the 2020 Booktrust Storytime Prize! May 2020


Baby goes to Market is on TV! Milkshake TV! Oct 2019